Relevance and Originality

The main focus of this project is to protect new dwellings from wildfires, using the concept of a fireproof envelope facade, with existent commercial non-combustible materials.

The risk of wildland fires in Portugal has increased in last 10 years due to climate change and the unguarded plantation of the forest (eucalyptus and pine).

In 2017, two of the largest wildland fires recorded in the history of Portugal (Pedrógão Grande and 15 de Outubro), had a major impact not only on the forest areas (burning 45.000ha+241.000ha respectively), but also on the communities, with a death toll of 114. Following these fires, new legislation was created, only concerning measures related to the wildland-urban interface (forest cleaning, vegetation height, distance from vegetation to dwellings, etc…). But interestingly, no extra measure or care was taken, regarding the characteristics of the dwellings or the protection of the people caught by the fires. However, the analysis of expert opinions and questioners, clearly showed that the dwellings that had burned, had constructive typologies without any passive anti-fire protection. The disregard of this aspect, led to the burned houses being rebuilt in the same way as the original, which means that they are likely to burn again in the next wildfire.

This important blank in protection measures of new dwellings against wildfire, led to the development of this project that aims to fill this gap in knowledge. To solve this problem, fireproof construction guidelines with incombustible materials are assembled and tested, for windows, doors, roofs and exterior walls.

Contribution to Scientific and Technological Knowledge

The undergoing project, will be a very important innovation regarding passive protection of dwellings from wildland fire in Portugal, allowing the release of the firefighter to fight the fire directly in the forest field. Althought several interior fireproof solutions exist for internal fires, no code or standards exist for external action of a wildfire against a dwelling. Several papers will be published in international journals with impact factor, and several reports will be presented to the Portuguese Civil Protection and related theme conferences.

Production of Knowledge that can Contribute to Benefits and Business Sector

This project will promote the increase of safety in dwellings, population and human resources used in WLF. Beyond that, it will allow to reduce the cost of repairing or rebuilding dwellings after WLF.

It is then possible to:

1) The reduction of human drama due to the scourge of fires. Besides saving lives, as added value this solution prevents a home building from being consumed, giving the individual the possibility of not losing what it took years to build. In this case the affection for the house, memories and everything that is inside.

2) A cost reduction during the post-fire, since it wouldn’t be necessary any rehabilitation or reconstruction of dwellings. When compared with the fire in Pedrogão Grande in 2017, 54 residential houses were reconstruct and 102 were rehabilitated, with a total cost of 9.9 million euros. It is estimated, that the average cost of construction with fireproof construction guideline is around 250€/m2, and the cost of rebuilding a dwelling is above 1000€/m2.

3) Firefighters have more flexibility in residential areas, allowing the firefighters to effectively contain and control/extinguish the fire more effectively in the forest field.