
IST-ID is a private not-for-profit institution, which primarily aims at carrying out Science and Technology activities, fostering knowledge transfer and promoting the involvement of national and foreign researchers, internally and externally. IST-ID carries out RD&I activities in fundamental and applied areas associated with major societal challenges, including Basic Sciences, Information and Communication Technologies, Energy, Environment, Mobility, Applied Life Sciences, Materials, Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences, Technology and Entrepreneurship, Manufacturing Technologies, Nuclear Reactors and Accelerators, Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection.

Research Center

CERIS is a R&D unit, hosted by IST-ID and the only one for Civil Engineering with Excellent in the 2015-18 last evaluation by FCT, aimed at creating and disseminating scientific knowledge and promoting innovation through the active involvement in fundamental and applied research for the built and natural environment sector, namely in the following areas: Hydraulics; Environment and Water Resources; Systems and Management; Transportation Systems; Studies on Construction; Structures and Geotechnics. To better achieve the objectives, these areas joined synergies in four thematic strands: Product Development in Civil Engineering Industries; Risk and Safety in Built and Natural Environments; Rehabilitation of Built and Natural Environments; Response to Natural and Societal Changes.

Research Group

Founded in 2008, the Composites Research Group (CORE Group) is a research group of CERIS research unit of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon. We perform fundamental and applied research, development, and teaching activities on advanced fibre-polymer composite systems for civil engineering applications.

The main research areas of the CORE group are the mechanical behaviour, connection technology, long-term performance, durability, fire behaviour and sustainability of fibre-polymer composite systems, including profiles, sandwich structures, strengthening systems and reinforcing bars.